Q&A's with Heru Neter: Why is K-ShiRe the next household name?
Q)For those that don't know where are you from and what do you do?
A)I'm originally from New Orleans but currently between Atl and the DMV. As an artist/entertainer i have the ability to rap,sing, dance, and write songs. I make music thats true to who i am and for the turn up since im all about energy like most great entertainers like MJ and Prince.
Q)What does music do for you spiritually and what type of impact do you plan to make with it?
A)Music gives me life and helps me to cope with my PTSD from 2 tours in Iraq while serving in the U.S. Army. As far as spirtually i believe my gifts come directly from above and truly believe i cant do it without God!
Q) Where did you get the name K-Shire and what role did Scrilla Guerillaz Magazine play in getting you this far?
A) I used to live in Hollywood Cali and went by K-Wurk when I was moving thru the industry then. Long story short I lost myself and had to step away to ground my faith in God and figure out my purpose. The K is for Kevin the Shi for Shilo and the Re for reborn. Kevin Shilo is my government name lol and K-ShiRe represents my growth and rebirth as a person and artist. Daze one the CEOs of Scrilla Guerillaz along with Stevie J honestly put me in the position I'm in right now and the situation with Empire which is huge for me aswell as being one of the lead consultants in my career and this campaign for my debut single "Pinocchio"
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Q) Talk about your main inspiration and what motivates you to make moves in the game.
A) I've been inspired by so many things and people but if i had to pick i would say God number one and the fact that i see a need for my music in this world. I know its so much bigger than me and in general i cant help but create its such a vital part of my existence if that makes any sense lol.
Q) How much does the politics and the social climate effect your music? Would you write a song about mass shooting why or why not?
A) It definitely weighs heavy on me bc alot of todays issues being an African American male im affected by but more than pointing a finger i would expose the underlying issues in music. My goal is not to segregate or alienate but encourage and inspire people.
Q) Top 5 greatest rapper dead or alive.
A) Tupac, Kendrick, Bg, Drake, Lecrae in my opinion lol
Q) Talk about three ultimate goals you have and how you plan to achieve them.
A) One to put out atleast one full studio album. Two impact people all over the world and make a real difference. Three live a life that God willing gets me into heaven.
Q) Give us some facts on "Pinocchio" how long did it take to create the Music Video and was the track aimed at anyone in particular?
A) The song concept is just a creative way of addressing the many puppets in todays industry/social media and i call them Pinocchios bc i can see them clear as if they nose grow round me. The video took a few hours it was a quick viral performance video to get people familar with me and the record. Lol no the track wasnt singling anyone out just addressing it as a whole but ofcourse coming from my personal experience in this industry.
Q) You're a feature away from being a household name. What feature would take you to that level and do you have any future plans to feature some big names?
A) Im not really sure as it would be upto the people how far the record goes but a few artist i would love to collab with are August Alsina, Lecrae, and Kendrick. Currently no big features in discussion as of today lol. Tomorrow might be a different story.
Q) What more can fans expect from you before the year is up?
A) The next 3 months will be focused on pushing my single and the campaign so ill be doing alot of shows and press in various cities. I have another record I want to drop just for the fans but not sure if it will be ready before the year up.
Q) One piece of advice for the upcoming artist hoping to get into the industry.
A) Do your research. There is a multitude of sources these days with the internet and also be humble. Humility goes a long way. I would also say know what you are in it for, if u stand for nothing you will fall for anything.
Q) Where can the people find out more about you?
A) If you google my stage name you can see other interviews and such things I've done and also on my social media Mostly ig @WatchMeWurk_ and my soundcloud where all my music that might not be on other major platforms.